The Prophet of the Sun they/them
Aka. "Borvyn" Their old life went up in flames. Trying to start over as the Sun's prophet, and hopefully not burn it all down again.
Regarding Pronouns! Their pronouns are they/them to you: 21st century readers who know what the word non-binary means. BUT. This story is meant to take place in the semi-historical middle ages, so Borvyn is sometimes going to be gendered inconsistently both by themselves and others, because truly, no one understands whats going on with them.
That being said, THEY HAVE MUCH BIGGER PROBLEMS than explaining their gender identity to everyone they meet. To minimize jarring misgendering moments for a better reading experience, I try to use gender neutral language wherever possible.
The Sun
The Prophet's god. Gave them cool fire powers in exchange for...? Visits Prophet in dream once week to nag at them for not keeping up their end of the deal.